All you Need to Know About the Solar Glass Used in Solar Panel

What is Solar Glass?
Solar glass is a type of glass that is commonly utilized in solar panels. This glass is designed to act as a mirror and has a anti-reflective coating on one or both sides, which aids in concentrating sunlight. Solar glass provides exceptional solar power transmission and remains reliable under sunlight exposure. It also has the ability to endure and withstand harsh weather conditions and extreme environmental factors. The glass is crucial in safeguarding the photovoltaic cells and delicate parts of solar panels against dirt, water, and moisture penetration.
This article details the significance of solar glass in solar panel and also explains why quality solar glass is the backbone of solar energy endeavors.
Functions of Solar Glass in a Solar Panel
Solar panels consist of multiple layers, with the entire structure being shielded by a layer of specialized solar glass. This unique glass variety is engineered to let sunlight through while simultaneously absorbing a portion of the sun’s energy. A thin, transparent conductive coating on the glass aids in trapping sun rays and channeling them to the solar cells.
As sunlight penetrates the solar glass, the solar cells absorb the light’s photons, activating and mobilizing the electrons within the cells. The resulting electron movement generates an electrical current which is how solar electricity is produced.
Types of Glass Used in Solar Panel
1. Plate Glass
2. Tempered Glass (Most Popular and Cost-effective)
3. Soda-Lime Glass
4. Borosilicate Glass
5. Lead Crystal Glass
Importance of Solar Glass in Solar Panels
Learn the potential of solar panel that relies significantly on the solar glass. Know the importance of solar glass that enhances the efficiency and performance of solar panel:
Protecting the Solar Panel
The purpose of solar glass in solar panels is to safeguard them against moisture damage, obstruct oxygen to avoid oxidation, and enable the panels to endure extreme temperatures while maintaining excellent insulation and resistance to aging. Solar panels are shielded from harm by tempered glass. Tempered glass, alternatively known as safety glass or toughened glass, is produced through thermal or chemical processes. Certain qualities of tempered glass make it an appropriate material for use in solar PV panels. This type of glass acts as a safeguard against vapors, water, and dirt, which can cause damage to the photovoltaic cells.
High Transmission of Sunlight
Solar glass functions as an insulator, which means it does not allow electrical currents to pass through it. Insulating materials with comparable conductivity to glass are rubber and polyester. However, they are not transparent and, therefore, not suitable for solar panels. Glass is distinct from them because of its total transparency. As a result, the majority of sunlight easily travels through to the subsequent layers.
If the semiconductors were uncovered, one-third of the light would be deflected from the solar cell, resulting in reduced efficiency. By utilizing both the glass and an anti-reflective layer, one can attain enhanced efficiency while avoiding further energy loss.
The supplementary anti-reflective (AR) layer on the solar panel glass further diminishes the quantity of light reflection while enhancing the proportion of sunlight absorption from solar cells.
Increased Strength of the Solar PV Panel
Glass possesses greater strength than any other transparent materials available for solar modules. Solar glasses are four times stronger than regular plated glass and are less susceptible to breakage compared to any general window glass. Solar glass exhibits high degrees of strength, and barring the application of substantial stress that leads to shock, it does not break easily. Solar glass can withstand the stress induced by powerful winds and even heavy snow.
Easy to Clean
Just like any outdoor equipment, solar panels can accumulate dirt. The advantage of having a glass layer on the solar panel is its ease of cleaning. Different materials necessitate distinct cleaning techniques, but for glass, all that is needed is a mixture of soap and water along with a sponge. It’s that simple. Dirt usually slides off the smooth surface of the glass, and dust can be effortlessly wiped away. In essence, this spares you from buying specialized cleaning supplies or employing someone to clean the panels for you.
Glass is a reusable substance. One of the main attractions of setting up a solar panel system is the reduction of emissions in the battle against global warming. Using panels constructed from recyclable materials aids in accomplishing this objective. Solar glass can be sent to recycle facilities and can be converted to be used in manufacturing of other items.
Glass is a reusable substance. One of the main attractions of setting up a solar panel system is the reduction of emissions in the battle against global warming. Using panels constructed from recyclable materials aids in accomplishing this objective.
Impact of Low-Quality Glass on Solar Panel Performance
- Inferior glass may become cloudy, discolored, or even distorted under intense heat. These alterations can result in diminished sunlight penetration through your panel glass over time, directly impacting energy generation. Utilizing poor-quality glass puts you in danger of significant loss of power in the long run.
- High-quality glass panels usually come with more extensive and stronger warranty protection due to their reduced likelihood of experiencing damage or system malfunction.
- The photovoltaic cells beneath the glass carry significant electrical currents. Contact with rain or snow may easily ignite a fire with poor-quality solar glasses that are not impact-resistant.
In the production of solar panels, glass is viewed as an essential element due to its long-lasting, clear, consistent, adaptable qualities and its capacity to promote an environmentally friendly recycling approach. It is recommended to use high-quality solar glass by reputed and ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001 certified manufacturers like Vishakha Glass to keep your solar panels safe and increase their lifespan.
For more information on solar glass or any installation queries, contact Vishakha Glass who is the largest solar glass manufacturers in India and other complete range of solar panel products.