Types of Solar Panels

The trend of renewable energy has made solar energy the fastest-growing industry. In the last decade, the solar sector grew by approx. 50 – 60%. The Solar Panel was first created in the 1950s and since then the solar sector has continuously grown its capabilities and been flexible to change its styles.
This article illustrates what actually solar panel is and what are the types of Solar Panel. This guide will showcase which type of solar panel is in a boom in the market, what are its for and against arguments, and out of these types, which can be suited for a specific use?
What is a Solar Panel?
A device with which the sun’s rays can be absorbed and converted into electricity or heat with the help of photovoltaic effects is known as a solar panel. The arrangement of solar panels is generally in groups called arrays and systems. The electricity converted from these solar panels can be used for residential, commercial, or industrial use. They can be also used for space and transport applications.
There are types of solar panels available, however, regardless of their type; these solar panels are made out of similar components which are Solar Aluminum Frames, Solar Encapsulants, Solar BackSheets, Solar Glass, and Solar Cells.
Types of Solar Panels
There are 4 different types of solar panels accessible in the market. Let’s quickly dive into which are they, what are its specialty and which solar panels are best for your specific use:
Polycrystalline Solar Panels
This type of solar panel is very popular in the current market due to its manufacturing process. They are made from multiple silicon crystals instead of one. They are made from silicon fragments that are melted down and then poured into a mold. After cooling in the mold, the silicon is then sliced into polycrystalline silicon wafers.
Due to its manufacturing process, this type of solar panel is found more affordable than of monocrystalline solar panels. When the sun’s rays reflect on this kind of solar panel, they will turn into a blue color. On top, they are square-shaped too; however, they don’t have gaps in between them.
Monocrystalline Solar Panels
Monocrystalline Solar Panels, also known as single-crystal solar panels are made from single silicon crystals which are then cut into various wafers. This type of solar panel is likely to be the relatively more expensive form of solar panel and this is because of its manufacturing process where the solar cells are made from a single silicon crystal and also the amount of the same which is wasted at the time of production.
These panels can be identified by the dark color and square shape of the solar cells which leave some tiny gaps in between the cells and the panels appear black because of the silicon used in producing them.
Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact (PERC) Panels
PERC panels- you can consider them as the updated or modern version of the traditional monocrystalline cell. It is considered a newbie in the solar sector game and follows an advanced version for manufacturing.
The producers have annexed a passivation layer in the rear surface of the solar cell that can increase its efficiency by reflecting light back into the cell that escalates the amount of solar radiation that gets absorbed.
Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact (PERC) based solar panels are one of the best options for optimum area utilization.
Thin-Film Solar Panels
These solar panels are considered the most versatile out of the above types. It’s because of its thin-film solar cells which allows you to pay depending upon the type of thin-film panel that you choose. They come in standardized sizes of 60, 72, and 96-cell counts. The panels used can be made from raw materials such as copper indium gallium selenide(CIGS), cadmium telluride(CdTe) and amorphous silicon(a-si) which makes this type of solar panel expensive.
However, except for the cost of manufacturing this type of solar panel, the overall cost of a thin-film solar panel is comparatively may be lower than installing a monocrystalline solar panel or polycrystalline solar panel system. Its lightweight panels are easy to install on rooftops which reduces the overall labor cost, which can help in contributing to an overall less expensive installation of the solar panel.
Which Solar Panels are the Best? Find Out Here
Each and every type of solar panel consists of different capabilities. However, there are some points of difference in each of them. They may differ in their efficiency, cost, and capacity. Let’s quickly understand their difference:
Solar Panel Types | Efficiency | Cost
(Approx. Avg Cost per Watt) (in dollars) |
(Watt per Panel) |
Monocrystalline solar panels | 20% or more | 1 – 1.50 | up to 300w |
Polycrystalline solar panels | 15 – 17% | 0.70 – 1 | around 240 – 300w |
PERC | 25% or more | 0.32 – 0.65 | Greater than or equal to 300w |
Thin-film solar panels | Less than or equal to 15% | 0.44 – 0.70 | It is variable however, it contains capacity less than others |
(Source: optiononesolar, aurorasolar)
Other Factors to Consider While Choosing Solar Panels
The temperature of the solar panel can highly influence the ability to generate energy out of them. As they are reflected through temperature, the power output may decrease for every 1°C rise over 25°C (77°F).
Mono and poly have temp. Coefficient between -0.3% / °C to -0.5% / °C, however, thin-film panels have around -0.2% / °C, due to which they are considered the best option to go for hotter regions.
Fire Rating
According to the International Building Code, irrespective of the solar panel you choose, they must match the fire rating of the roof where they are getting installed in order to ensure that they do not stimulate the spread of the flames in case any fire occurs.
Hurricane Rating
Well, there is no such formal solar classification hurricane rating, however, the Dept. of Energy has now expanded its recommendation in the design specification for creating solar panels that can keep a keen eye on severe weather.
We hope that after this study, you may get clear on choosing the correct type of solar panel.
Start your Solar Journey Today with Vishakha Renewables
Irrespective of the types of solar panels, the raw materials for solar panels are found to be the same. Vishakha Renewables is considered to be one of the leading solar energy solutions providers in India.
We manufacture following solar materials:
that are the key elements in producing solar panels.
We are ready to help businesses to provide the inputs of solar modules for their solar panel businesses.
Get in touch with us today for business inquiries!